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Workshops & Photography Classes

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In addition to offering wildlife photography tours and guided sightseeing tours in Salt Lake City, Utah and across the world, professional wildlife photographer Rob Daugherty offers photography workshops and courses. Rob's Wildlife photo workshops are ideal for photographers looking to improve their game. Rob's Wildlife photo workshops and courses are offered various times throughout the year in the Salt Lake City, Utah metro area. Whether you are just beginning or wanting to turn from photography hobbyist to professional, we have a course for you.

Click on the links below to learn more about specific photography workshops.


Beginning Photography 101

Still shooting in automatic mode? This workshop will teach you the fundamentals to confidently switch from automatic mode to manual with... (Learn more)


Intermediate - Advanced Photography Workshop

Learn how to build catalogs, brushes, and export. Each workshop participant receives... (Learn more)

Photography Business Mentoring

Becoming a Professional Photographer

Are you ready to turn your photography hobby into a full-time profession? You're in the right spot! (Learn more)